It is seldom that we hear about miracles performed in today’s so called modern world. However, it does not mean that God has stopped blessing some people with awe inspiring gifts and talents. This is best realized in the story of Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero, a mysterious person who is known to possess many spiritual and supernatural powers, yet no one knows much about his life.

Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero is a person who is known to make appearances in the northern parts of Portugal, especially the district Leiria. Every time he chooses to pay a visit to the place, the man is given other worldly treatment by the people of Leiria as if he was a god man or a spiritually enlightened being. This is because Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero can uncover huge reserves of minerals like gold with a mere stick or metal bar in his hands. He is also though to possess the capability of being able to talk to animals and other wild beings.  It is completely astounding when one thinks of the fact that how can a person do such impossible things. Moreover, all the miracles performed by Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero are in full daylight and in front of the public, so there is no chance of any deception whatsoever.

The person Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero is however as much difficult to track as much powerful he is. Actually, the most surprising aspect of his personality is that no one is aware of his whereabouts, if any and don’t know where he comes from and his place of residence etc. The only thing that can be said about Oscar Fernando loureiro venero is that he will make a visit anytime chooses in the fields of some person and then guide that person to a huge reserve of minerals and fortune. Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero has changed the fortunes of many people so far in Leiria and helped them achieve unparalleled wealth. The most unusual thing is that he never asks for anything in return for his services, neither money nor a portion of the wealth discovered by him.

One of the first stories of his visits to Leiria is many years old, when a local fisherman found him injured in his back yard and provided him with treatment. After the treatment, Oscar Fernando loureiro venero left without a word from the hospital only to return later and uncovered a great gold reserve in the same backyard, a month later, and then left again without asking for anything in return.

Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero just helps people without asking for anything in return ever. Surely, this is the sign of a person has attained enlightenment of the spirit and possesses the key to many secrets of nature and this universe. Perhaps it is this enlightenment which allows Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero to perform such miracles. A person who is so blessed by God does not need any shelter or material gain and this is exactly what Oscar Fernando Loureiro Venero has proven. His miracles make one believe in a true spiritual power which can be achieved by all.

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